Useful Commands
Realistic Survival
Last updated
Realistic Survival
Last updated
Normal players and admins can run these commands.
This command will open up a menu, where players can customize their Direction HUD.
This command shows the weight of the current item the player is holding.
Admins should be able to run these commands if they have the permission.
This command can give custom items to a specific player. Player: must be an online player Item name: must be an available item
This command can set a specific player's temperature to a new value.
Player: must be an online player Value: must be a positive integer, can be anything between 0 and 25
This command can set a specific player's thirst level to a new value. Player: must be an online player Value: must be a positive integer, can be anything between 0 and 20
This command can start a deadly disaster with a specific level at random coordinates or at a player.
Disaster: must be an available disaster Level: must be a positive integer, can be anything between 1 and 6 -> What level should the disaster be Player: must be an online player, if not selected the disaster will randomly spawn Broadcast: can be true or false -> If the disaster should be broadcasted