In the configuration, the first line is set to 1: '&8&'.
Feel free to customize the entire configuration according to your preferences.
You can utilize Minecraft Colorcodes to personalize it.
Remember to maintain the format, which is number: 'your message', to avoid breaking the scoreboards.
Lastly, go ahead and navigate your way into the BuildBattle plugin folder.
After that, please go ahead and open up the language.yml file.
Upon opening it, you'll need to modify six lines.
Go ahead and navigate your way into the Skript folder and after that into the scripts folder.
After that, please go ahead and open up the , , files.
Upon opening it, you can modify the store and discord links in the announcement and aswell in the /discord and /store command.
# and more...
if {announcement.choice} is 1:
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&9&lDISCORD"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&fJoin our discord at &"
broadcast ""
if {announcement.choice} is 2:
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&6&lSTORE"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&fBuy ranks, cosmetics at &"
broadcast ""
if {announcement.choice} is 3:
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&5&lDo you need help?"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&fCheck out our help menu by typing &e/help"
broadcast ""
if {announcement.choice} is 4:
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&e&lFOLLOW US"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&fFollow us on X at &"
broadcast ""
if {announcement.choice} is 5:
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "&a&lEVENTS"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&fCheck out upcoming events at &"
broadcast ""
# and more...
How to change the branding on the TAB (IP Address)
Firstly, go ahead and go into the setup, and navigate your way into the TAB plugin folder.
After that, please go ahead and open up the config.yml file.
Feel free to customize the entire configuration according to your preferences.
You can utilize Minecraft Colorcodes to personalize it.
Remember to maintain the format, which is- 'your message', to avoid breaking the tab.
enabled: true
- ''
- ''
- '&3&lBuild Battle'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ' &fYou are playing on & '
- ' &fPurchase ranks and cosmetics at &'
- ''