More Songs
Block Party
Last updated
Block Party
Last updated
This guide will show you how to add more songs.
There is a website that contains many songs already converted into Note Block Studio format. You can check the website by clicking here. Choose and download your desired song.
You'll need to use the Open Note Block Studio program to convert .midi files into .nbs format. Click here for a guide on how to convert a MIDI files to NBS format.
Go ahead and go into the Block Party Server Setup and manage your way to Setup\plugins\BlockParty\Songs\
Move your NBS file in to the folder.
Go ahead and start your server and then join. Open up in-game chat and type the following command in:
/bp addSong <Arena> <Song>
For example if you want to add the song called Alone (Alone.nbs) to the arena called Desertum, then you would type the following:
/bp addSong Desertum Alone
And that's it! You've successfully added a new song. Enjoy your music!