
Realistic Survival

How to change the branding on the Scoreboard (IP Address)

Firstly, go ahead and go into the setup, and navigate your way into the SimpleScore plugin folder. (Setup\plugins\SimpleScore)

After that, please go ahead and open up the scoreboards.yml file. After opening it, you'll need to modify the lines associated with each scoreboard.

There are three scoreboards for each dimension. Adjust the first lines if you intend to alter the displayed IP addresses.

For the Normal World:

  # Any frame without a specified update/render time will default to this values
  updateTime: 0
  renderTime: 50
  conditions: [ 'isOverworld' ]
    # This frame will show for 200 ticks and render every 50 ticks (4 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      update: 20
    # While this frame will show for 100 ticks and render every 20 ticks (5 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      render: 20
    13: ''
    12: ''
    11: ''
    10: '&7%localtime_time_dd/MM/yyyy% &8Beta'
    9: '&7MC: %pinger_gameversion_localhost:25565%     &8v1.5'
    8: ''
    7: '&fPlayers: &b%server_online_world%'
    6: '&7Zone:'
    5: ' &8โ–  &eWilderness'
    4: ''
    3: '&fDeaths: &a%statistic_deaths%'
    #  - text: ''
    #  - text: '&fAir Temp.: &8[ %rs_air_temperaturecolor%%rs_air_temperature%ยฐC &8]'
    #  - text: ''
    2: ''
    1: '&8&nplay.servername.com' 

For the Nether:

  # Any frame without a specified update/render time will default to this values
  updateTime: 100
  renderTime: 50
  conditions: [ 'isNether' ]
    # This frame will show for 200 ticks and render every 50 ticks (4 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      update: 20
    # While this frame will show for 100 ticks and render every 20 ticks (5 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      render: 20
    13: ''
    12: ''
    11: ''
    10: '&7%localtime_time_dd/MM/yyyy% &8Beta'
    9: '&7MC: %pinger_gameversion_localhost:25565%     &8v1.5'
    8: ''
    7: '&fPlayers: &b%server_online_world_nether%'
    6: '&7Zone:'
    5: ' &8โ–  &cNether'
    4: ''
    3: '&fDeaths: &a%statistic_deaths%'
    2: ''
    1: '&8&nplay.servername.com'

For The End:

  # Any frame without a specified update/render time will default to this values
  updateTime: 100
  renderTime: 50
  conditions: [ 'isTheEnd' ]
    # This frame will show for 200 ticks and render every 50 ticks (4 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      update: 20
    # While this frame will show for 100 ticks and render every 20 ticks (5 times)
    - text: 'เซฑ'
      render: 20
    13: ''
    12: ''
    11: ''
    10: '&7%localtime_time_dd/MM/yyyy% &8Beta'
    9: '&7MC: %pinger_gameversion_localhost:25565%     &8v1.5'
    8: ''
    7: '&fPlayers: &b%server_online_world_the_end%'
    6: '&7Zone:'
    5: ' &8โ–  &dThe End'
    4: ''
    3: '&fDeaths: &a%statistic_deaths%' # &fBody Temp.: &8[ %rs_temperaturecolor%%rs_temperature%&8 ]
    2: ''
    1: '&8&nplay.servername.com'

In each configuration, the first line is set to 1: '&8&nplay.servername.com'. Feel free to customize the entire configuration according to your preferences. You can utilize Minecraft Colorcodes to personalize it.

Remember to maintain the format, which is number: 'your message', to avoid breaking the scoreboards.

How to change the branding on the TAB (IP Address)

Firstly, go ahead and go into the setup, and navigate your way into the TAB plugin folder. (Setup\plugins\TAB)

After that, please go ahead and open up the config.yml file. Feel free to customize the entire configuration according to your preferences. You can utilize Minecraft Colorcodes to personalize it.

Remember to maintain the format, which is - 'your message', to avoid breaking the tab.

  enabled: true
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - 'เซฑ   '
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
  - ' &fYou are playing on &eplay.servername.com '
  - ''
  - ' &fPlaytime: &e%statistic_time_played%'
  - ''

First, you will need to go ahead and download the resource pack itself if you didn't do so, you can do it by clicking here.

After you've downloaded it, you need to open it up using WinRAR or a similar software. Once you have opened it, you will see the following 3 files:

To modify the resource pack's logo, begin by replacing the pack.png file with your own logo, ensuring it's also named pack.png.

Please note that the logo should not exceed 128x128 pixels in size, as Minecraft cannot handle larger dimensions in this context.

How to change the logo on TAB and on Scoreboard

  1. Navigate to the assets folder, then proceed to the minecraft folder. From there, access the textures folder and enter the designated folder.

  2. Inside, you'll find all the logos for the ranks and the server logo, labeled as logo.png. Replace this file with your own logo, ensuring it's also named logo.png. Failure to do so will result in your logo not being displayed in the resource pack.

Ensure your logo does not exceed 256x256 pixels, as Minecraft cannot handle larger dimensions.

If you wish to modify the resource pack's description, you'll need to access the pack.mcmeta file using a text editor such as Notepad.

You will see this in the file:

  "pack": {
    "pack_format": 15,
    "description": "Realistic Survival"

To maintain the functionality of the resource pack, you must replace the Realistic Survival text with your own description.

Be cautious not to remove any other content, as it may cause the resource pack to malfunction.

After completing the modifications, it's necessary to re-upload the resource pack to a platform such as https://mc-packs.net/. From there, you can obtain the necessary files and assets:

resource-pack=url resource-pack-sha1=hash

You'll need to copy these items and then access the server.properties file within the setup files. Replace the old versions with the copied content.

Old version:


This is the old version, do not copy this!

Last updated